Anything can happen

So the expression goes that absolutely anything can happen no matter where you are in your life or what’s happening around you.

Well, I’m just over two months into my program with USAC and I couldn’t ever imagine being where I am now two months ago. I have made many new friends, some who even know me as well as my best friends back home. Its amazing how quickly you can get to know someone when you spend so much time around them.

My friends know what makes me tick, but they also love traveling with me (or so I hope.) That one fact makes all the difference between a good study abroad experience and a bad study abroad experience. I learned early on that its important to find a group of people who like traveling with you and vice versa.

In two months I have some epic run-ins and made unforgettable memories. I have had numerous (scary) encounters with the Carabinieri (the military police) and the locale police; I’ve climbed trees and fallen out of them; I’ve hopped fences to get into abandoned buildings; I’ve searched abandoned wine cellars; I’ve hopped over  ponds of water to reach an island of rocks (even if it was Villa Gamberaia); I’ve made crazy bets; and so much more. The bottom line is this: I have made mistakes, some that I regret a lot. But I wouldn’t trade the memories I’ve made for anything in the world.

I have been living the study abroad experience that I wanted to live. I’m not hiding in fear, afraid of what people think of me and I’m definitely not refusing a challenge … or a bet.

I’m having the time of my life and I just thought you all should know. If you have never studied abroad — do it.

Come back tomorrow for my recap of Florentine Gardens and my amazing trip to Florence.